Ace Pantone Pastels & Neons

Ink mixing formulas are provided.
Pantone pastels & neons. Ink mixing formulas are provided. Visit the Pantone Store. Er eignet sich hervorragend für Verpackungen Logos und Branding sowie Druck- und Marketingmaterialien wenn beruhigende Pastelltöne oder leuchtende Neonfarben gewünscht sind.
The new PANTONE PLUS SERIES PASTELS NEONS CHIPS brings together 154 soothing pastels and 56 hot neons in a convenient chip format that attaches to artwork and digital files for easy and consistent color communication. Keep up with the growing demand for specialty colors with our new 2019 PANTONE PASTELS NEONS Guide. By Office Supply Store.
Complemente y amplíe la Formula Guide con 154 tonos pastel y 56 colores neón. Ampliamento della tradizionale palette di colori spot con la Pastels Neons Guide contenente oltre 200 colori pastello e neon contemporanei in ununica guida portatile. Ink mixing formulas are provided.
An extensive palette PANTONE PASTELS NEONS organized in chromatic order colors are designated by three- or four-digit numbers beginning with 8 and 9. Use this versatile format for adding color into design palettes mood boards or product sketches attaching color to design files for sharing with your production partners and for. La guía Pastels Neons Guide ofrece a los diseñadores colores Pantone adicionales para hacer realidad ideas atractivas y contemporáneas.
Select from 154 soothing pastels whenever softness or subtlety is called for or specify from a newly expanded range of 56 hot neons to. Colors are arranged chromatically. Es idónea para diseñar envases logotipos imagen de marca y material de marketing con tonos relajantes o claros.
The new 2019 PANTONE PASTELS NEONS CHIPS brings together 154 soothing pastels and 56 hot neons in a convenient chip format that attaches to artwork and digital files for easy and consistent color communication. Contemporary colors arranged chromatically for intuitive selection. PANTONE PASTEL NEONS is another extension of the PANTONE PLUS color palette - gentle and soft pastels and bright flashy fluorescent colors.